Sometimes I fear that I think about boys all too often.
Sometimes I do think of boys way too often.
Sometimes, I think that boys should die in a hole.
If you were offended by that last statement, then you must not be a girl.
Boys tend to cause alot of problems. They are cute, they are nice, they take rejection easily. Now how could these characteristics cause any problems? Women are told that we have so much power, and we are mens weakness, but they are ours.
Their cuteness causes us to swoon over them, and sometimes become obsessed.
Their niceness causes us to think that they will never hurt us. FALSE!!!
Their ability to be rejected makes us think that we didnt mean that much to them if they were able to get over us so quickly.
All in all, they cause us pain. Lots of pain.
you HAVE been thinking alot about this... :)